Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quarter of a century

Hi All,
Just a little post to keep you all in the loop!

Had a slight hiccup on the training front with an injury to my fourth toe on my L) foot during a ballet class - my toe was swollen and various shades of blue for about 2 weeks with me unable to weight bear on the ball of my foot = no dance for me! The bruising has completely disappeared but it remains an odd shape and quite sore making dance somewhat difficult! I have started seeing a physio on a regular basis for my shins, i have some exercises and an icing regime and fortnightly visits to hopefully reducing the swelling in my shins and desensitise the nerves. I have recently sent off a photo for my EMT security pass...SQUEE!!!! It's all getting super real! Our practice DVD's have apparently hit the post so we should be receiving them soon :)

Had a lovely weekend in QLD to celebrate Chris's fabulous grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. Despite the horrible weather we still went out on the beast and did a spot of slightly unsuccessful fishing! Then had a lovely party on the Sunday and home on Monday :) Finally got to meet the rest of Chris's family from NZ. A great weekend was had by all.
Had a slight hiccup with the house - having to pick all new tiles wasn't a fun task! All is now back on track and should be finished before we know it!

I celebrated my 25th birthday on the weekend with a fabulous 90's themed affair! I found a fluro top and denim overalls - complete with a denim turned up hat with flowers! There were some amazing costumes...lot's of high waisted denim, fluros and plaid skirts! Even had a visit from the Spice Girls!!! The birthday cake and collection of 90's candy was a big hit! Got spoiled rotten by all my lovely friends and family! Thankyou so know who you you all :) I got a gorgeous passport cover from my lovely parentals as a birthday gift and some pounds from them and my aunty as well in preparation for the big trip!

That's about all i have to report for now.

4 months or 17 weeks or 119 days to go :P

Love Cass xo

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Not that anyone is counting...

I can't believe it's March already! That makes it 21 days til my birthday...Yay!

I've always loved celebrating my birthday and this year will be no exception. Life is always so busy and it's hard to find time to catch-up with everyone so birthdays are the perfect excuse! Planning is well underway for a small get-together with a 90's theme. Ipod playlist is almost completed, I've almost settled on a design for the cake, now all that is left is to find a killer costume. I'm thinking overalls, some kind of top and one of those turned up, floppy denim hats with the obscene flower on the front will do nicely!

On the dancing front, things are going well. I've been working on championship steps which are proving to be a bit of a challenge but one that i am thorougly enjoying! The tattoo has proven so far to be the best thing for my dancing. I'm pushing myself a lot further than i usually would, working a lot harder to improve my technique before performance time. I've also been dieting to lose a little bit of excess weight. Calorie counting has so far proven to be effective. I've lost 5kg to date, with 2kg to lose to reach my goal and I can honestly say I haven't been overly hungry! Yes, i do look forward to dance class days where I can eat just that little bit more! I think the tattoo is having a slightly negative effect on my ballet, in that i'm waaaayyyyyyy to scared to do pointe in the fear that i'll do an ankle or worse! But it's only until July then i'll be back up!

Scrubbed the house from top to bottom today so now it has that lovely clean bleach smell! Looking forward to clean sheets and possibly my onesie when I get home from work in the morning (the onesie is dependant on the weather!). Just got to get throught these nights then I shall enjoy a glorious 4 days off. Gearing up for a good friends wedding next weekend, bought a size 8 dress for the occaision...very excited!

That's about all I have to report!

20.5 weeks or 144 days to go.
Not that anyone is counting...